This was the last time this female Rhino was photographed with her horn in tact. Poachers had entered the property this night and we caught. Securing safety for the Rhinos mean shaving their horns off the next day.
A Humpback Whale calf has some fun breaching in Monterey Bay, California. They have come back from the edge of extinction and are now thriving.
Jaguars in the Pantanal of Brazil have faced many hardships in the last few years. Luxury condo construction, farmers killing them and fires through their habitat. It’s time we made some more space for them.
Coastal Grizzlies in Alaska, love to eat their fill of sedge grass in the open meadows. As of now, their habitat is free from humans except for a few day visits during the summer.
A Lioness takes a few minutes out from hunting to play with her cubs. While Lions are easy to find, they have declined in numbers by 50% in the last 25 years.